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Cameron McIntyre Pintail
Graceful drake pintail by one of the premier contemporary carvers from Virginia...hollow carved with raised wings...oil paint that has mellowed to a rich patina...his initials "CTM" also carved in bottom...measures about 18"L. 
Cigar Daisey Mallards
Minty pair of cork body mallards by this legend from Chincoteague, Virginia...cork bodies with wooden heads, tail inserts and keels in unused eyes and extraordinary paint...both are branded and signed on the bottom...16”L.
Mike Borrett Wild Turkey
Fabulous wild turkey by Mike Borrett from Madison, Wisconsin...incredible detail including delineated wing and feather carving as well as detailed bill and face carving...natural turkey beard and legs made from is signed and dated.
Rich Smoker Ruddy Ducks
Take a look at these little ruddy ducks by this highly decorated carver from Crisfield...recently recognized with a Heritage Fellowship by the National Endowment of the Arts...signed and dated 1988...they measure 9 & 10.5”L. 
Bob Moreland Swan
Gracefully executed composition by this highly regarded carver from Harrisonburg, VA...solid body preener that would compliment any home or lodge...paint has softened to a warm patina...initialed "RDM", numbered and dated '85 on the underside...about 29”L. 
Capt. Dan Vaughn Mallards
Well conceived pair of mallards by this Tilghman Island, MD carver...with turned heads and hollow carved bodies, this sharp looking pair was done in the Ward Bros. style...both have his initials carved and are signed and dated 1993 on the undersides...about 17.5”l. 
Evans McKinney Teal
Near mint pair of blue wing teal by this highly regarded carver from Elkton, Maryland...made in the Upper Bay style, they have solid bodies, carved mandibles and nostrils and wonderful paint...they are signed and dated 1984 with electropen on the undersides...13”L. 
Contemporary Decoy 1351
Grayson Chesser Teal
Outstanding pair of green wing teal by this well known carver, historian and storyteller from Jenkins Bridge, VA...detailed paint and carving with hollow bodies and raised wings...both are sleepers...carved "C" on the undersides...approximately 9.5”L. 
Charlie Joiner Swan
Possibly one of a kind swan by "Speed" as he was affectionately known...originally from Betterton and later from Chestertown, Maryland...solid carved body with turned head, large paddle tail and detailed bill carving...signed and dated 1981 on underside...about 32”L.
Pete Peterson Swan
Super rare swan by "Hurricane" Pete Peterson from Cape Charles, Virginia...hollow carved with graceful attitude...branded, signed and dated 1986 and states "my 46th swan" very good condition with minor surface rubs and scratches...about 32”L. 
Contemporary Decoy 22039
Bob Kerr Harlequins
Check out this exquisite pair of harlequins from Smiths Falls, Ontario...extensive carving includes delineated wings and bill detail...undersides are enhanced with the maker's brand and original remarques...they are also signed and dated 1999...approximately 13.5”L. 
Contemporary Decoy 22065
Grayson Chesser Canvasbacks
Well carved pair of canvasbacks and rare species by this carver from Jenkins Bridge, Virginia...hollow bodies are enhanced with raised wings and detailed paint pattern...both have his "C" carved into the bottoms...they measure approximately 15 & 12”L. 
Mark McNair Merganser Pair
Wonderfully executed pair of red breasted mergansers by this legendary carver from Craddockville, Virginia...hollow carved bodies with carved crests, eyes and bill detail...craftsmanship developed from years of carving...tastefully antiqued to a warm patina...about 18”L.
Oliver Lawson Shovelers
This shoveler pair by "Tuts" Lawson is, without a doubt, the finest work of his we've ever had the pleasure of offering for sale...solid carved body with extraordinary paint, raised and delineated wings, fluted tails and extremely detailed bill carving...signed and dated 1971 on underside...15 & 16”L.
Contemporary Decoy 24009
Cork McGee Mergansers
Carlton "Cork" McGee has been carving decoys on Chincoteague Island for over 70 years and can still be found in his shop on a daily basis...this is a rare opportunity to purchase a pair of his red breasted merganser decoys...signed and dated 2008 on the bottoms...about 16”l. 
Contemporary Decoy 2094
Tom Boozer Eiders
Rare species by this accomplished carver from Yonges Island, South Carolina...solid body construction is enhanced by swimming and sleeping positions...carving detail includes raised wings and bill detail...maker's conjoined initials "TB" are carved into the bottoms...they measure approximately 16 & 14”L. 
Contemporary Decoy 1810
Contemporary Decoy 1351
Tom Boozer Black Ducks
Oversized pair by this accomplished carver from Yonges Island, South Carolina...hollow body construction is enhanced by swimming and sleeping positions...carving detail includes raised wings and bill detail...maker's conjoined initials "TB" are carved into the bottoms...they measure approximately 16 & 20”L. 
Contemporary Decoy 1810
Corb Reed Redhead
Check out this alert hen redhead by Corb Reed from Chincoteague, Virginia...outstanding paint and attitude with turned head, carved wings and fluted tail...stamped "J C REED" and signed on the bottom...12”L.
Davison Hawthorne Widgeon
Decorative preening drake widgeon by Davison Hawthorne from Salisbury, Maryland...expertly carved with applied wings and detailed wing and feather delineation circa 1965...he spent time in Crisfield with the Ward Brothers and this carving shows he learned well...about 14”L.
Contemporary Decoy 22092
Cameron McIntyre Wood Duck
This drake wood duck, by one of the premier contemporary carvers from Virginia, epitomizes the attitude of the species...hollow carved with raised wings and carved crest...oil paint that has mellowed to a rich patina...his initials "CTM" carved in bottom...measures about 13"L. 
Ward Bros. Ruddy Duck
Check out this drake ruddy duck by the famous carvers from Crisfield, MD...hollow carved with extensive carving, wing delineation and outstanding paint...signed "MY BEST FOR NORRIS PRATT COLLECTION...Lem Ward -1968-" measures about 10.5"L.
Kevin Williams Old Squaw
Sculptural drake old squaw by this carver that spent time in Chincoteague, Virginia...breast preener with split tail and detailed eyes and oil paint that has been purposely antiqued to a mellow surface..."KTW" carved into the bottom...13”L.
Contemporary Decoy 1351
D. W. Nichol Teal
Clean pair of blue wing teal from this well known family from Smiths Falls, Ontario...raised and delineated wings, fluted tails and detailed bill carving...hen has a small chip out of tail...they are signed on the bottoms...approximately 12”L. 
Contemporary Decoy 2017
Mark McNair Cormorant
 Stylish cormorant by this legendary carver from Craddockville, Virginia...sleek body with carved eyes and mandibles...thought to be one of five made...a rare investment opportunity for the serious collector..."McNair" carved into the underside...leather thong is inset into the bottom as well...a full 27”L.
Tom Eshenbaugh Canvasbacks
Check out this oversized pair of "Up The River" canvasbacks from New Cumberland, near mint original condition, they both retain the brass tags signifying they were in his personal rig...both have turned heads and stipple paint on their backs...a rare opportunity to purchase some of his fine decoys...about 17”l. 
Contemporary Decoy 1312